Friday, August 7, 2009

Health Care Debate

Health care reform needs serious debate. Lawmakers need to hear from their citizens whom they are supposed to serve.

The scenes emerging are disturbing on both sides. Those against the current reform bill need to act civilly and be respectful. Lawmakers and groups like the AARP organizing community fora need to do so in a manner that is open to all and provides for citizen input.

I think what we are seeing is Democratic lawmakers, the AARP, ACORN and union groups trying to stack the deck at these meetings and shut down anyone who objects. As a result, those who do object obviously feel like their opinions are not getting heard and so the tone becomes less civil.

What is totally irresponsible is for left wing nut jobs like Nancy Pelosi to say something STUPID like, "They are carrying swastikas and symbols like that to a meeting on health care."

Or how about this comment by Washington Representative Brian Baird, another Democrat, "What we are seeing right now is close to Brown Shirt tactics. I mean that very seriously." Nazi Brown Shirts?

What is becoming increasingly clear is the the community organizer president only wants certain parts of the community to be organized- his own community of lazy union members, socialists, and the AARP machine (not the senior citizens concerned about end of life care, just the AARP political machine). Just look at the White House blog that encourages supporters to turn their fellow citizens in and the nasty, igornant language conjuring up images of Nazi Germany. That is totally unacceptable and if it were a Republican president the media would be all over him/her.

Open, respectful debate should be the order of the day on all sides of the issue.

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