Monday, August 31, 2009

Feeding the Federal Beast

Here is a link to Cato Institute blog entry on the insane salary and benefit information on federal government workers.

A constant theme of my postings has been the federal government's over-stepping of its bounds into areas that the Constitution does not permit. We should be eliminating these federal agencies and departments, lowering federal taxes and empowering states to solve these issues at a more local level.

As the blog above indicates, not only are these un-Constitutional agencies bloating the federal budget, but ALL federal employees are overpaid when compared to the average wage in private industry. The average federal wage is $79,197 as compared to $49,935 in private industry.

Big Government Democrats and Republicans grow the size of government, hire more employees and further strengthen the dependency of more and more Americans on the federal government for either a handout or a paycheck. In either case, it's our tax dollars being used to pay for it.

We need to elect (Libertarian) politicans who will seriously slash federal spending and bring federal employee wages more in line with private industry. My mother was a federal employee. Most federal employees do great work, but the facts show that most are grossly overpaid when compared to their peers in private industry.

People shouldn't enter public service to get rich. If that is your goal then private industry should be your calling. Our politicans have forgotten with whose money they are playing.

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