Monday, October 12, 2009

White House Escalates War of Words With Fox News - Political News -

White House Escalates War of Words With Fox News - Political News -

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The left and liberal media continue to falsely paint Fox News as somehow a radical, right-wing news organization. The Pew Research Center's analysis of the 2008 campaign shows quite the opposite. It is CNN and MSNBC which are blatantly unfair, unbalanced and partisan in its news coverage.

The left, intent on its goal of creating a socialist state where individual thought is suppressed and the state controls every aspect of our life, wants nothing more than the restriction of our freedom of speech and the freedom of the press. And so they attack Fox News as being conservative and deny its reporters access to the president (not until at least 2010, The White House now says).

Our liberties are being crushed faster than ever by this far, far left government. We must speak up for our Constitutional liberties and rights before it is too late. We need to support the Libertarian Party in its fight for our liberties and freedom as it battles a Democratic Party intent on a socialist government and a Republican Party intent on pushing its conservative moral values on us through big government policies. The point is, the GOP is not the answer. The GOP wants big government too. Just look at what they did under President George W. Bush and a GOP Congress.

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