Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Health Care Mandate Sparks Constitutional Debate - Political News - FOXNews.com

Both the Democratic and Republican Party platforms are full of ideas that have no basis in the Constitution. Our personal liberty has been trampled upon decade after decade. Slowly but surely the size and power of the federal government expands deeper and deeper into our lives. The more power it gets, the more power it wants.

Our Founders knew that they must limit the size and power of the federal government. We must return to those principles or we will continue to slowly but surely slip into socialism.

Health Care Mandate Sparks Constitutional Debate - Political News - FOXNews.com

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ROSMY Needs Your Help

Monday, September 28, 2009

Libertarian Party Introduction

Here is the link to the Libertarian Party website's issue page. Check it out.


Tuesday, September 22, 2009

National Endowment for the Arts must GO!

Regardless of which party is in the White House, it is time to end the National Endowment for the Arts. After latest flap in the Obama Administration's attempted use of the government/tax payer dollars to indoctrinate Americans into his liberal policies, the WH is now trying to avoid the same mistake it made with the lesson plan for school children.

The better plan which will save taxpayers millions of dollars is to stop government funding of the NEA altogether- and it will prevent the misuse of taxpayer dollars to push a political agenda using taxpayer money- OUR MONEY.

End the NEA!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Health Care Mandate is a Tax

Thank you, George S. No matter how many different ways you try to spin it, if the government charges you a "fee" or other surcharge, it is a tax upon you.

Friday, September 18, 2009

ROSMY Empower Youth 40k Continued

Reggie Gordon, CEO of the Richmond Chapter of the American Red Cross, took time out of his schedule to film this spot for our Empower Youth 40k annual campaign.

Thanks to the Mary Morton Parsons Foundation each dollar raised (up to $40,000) will be matched by a challenge grant. Check out the website for the campaign at www.rosmy40k.org.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Empower ROSMY Youth

ROSMY is a youth service agency in Virginia that provides support and advocacy for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning youth. ROSMY's Institute for Equality trains social service providers and educators on how to effectively work with sexual minority youth.

ROSMY's annual campaign launched on September 13 and we are looking to raise $40,000 in 30 days to meet our Parsons Foundation challenge grant.

If you are interested in supportin our youth and helping us beat our goal, please go to our special website, http://www.rosmy40k.org/.


Monday, September 14, 2009



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Should we be surprised that an Obama proposal lacks clarity? The role of the government should be minimized in future crises. Markets should be allowed to work and companies should be allowed to fail. That will help curb future risk. Government bailouts only send the signal that corporations can push the envelope too far because the consequences will be limited by Big Brother.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Richmond Times-Dispatch Editorial Board

The past few days the RTD Editorial Board has published some great comments. In one editorial they take the Republicans to task for complaining about Creigh Deeds and the Washington Post's use of Bob McDonnell's 20 year old thesis. Wasn't it just two months ago that the GOP was digging into Justice Sotomayor's past to call her unqualified for use of words like "wise latina" in previous speeches? Way to call them out, RTD.

In today's paper they call out the inconsistency of GOP and Democratic ideology with regard to crime and punishment. Democrats are generally against the death penalty and long jail terms for drug crimes, arguing that neither are deterrents for murder and drug dealing. Republicans argue for both capital punishment and laws like three strikes and you're out for repeat drug offenders because they claim that these laws help lower murder rates and drug crimes.

Yet both parties fail to remain consistent to their principles when it comes to hate speech. Democrats generally champion hate speech laws like the Matthew Shepard Act which will extend "protection" to gays in an already long list of protected classes for crimes motivated by hate. The GOP, otherwise tough on crime, generally opposes hate crime laws.

To the GOP, if capital punishment is a deterrent for murder, why wouldn't a hate crimes law prevent hate crimes? And to the Democrats, if those same laws actually do prevent hate crimes, why not support capital punishment and mandatory sentences for drug pushers?

The answer is special interest groups that donate money to keep these parties in power. Right wing religious conservatives with a social agenda dislike gays so the GOP opposes the Matthew Shepard Act. Gays and politically correct big government liberals want to stifle any and all speech that they deem offensive and against their far left agenda, even at the expense of the First Amendment.

The Libertarian Party is the Party of Principle. Freedom of speech should be protected and laws like the Matthew Shepard Act and current laws on hate crimes continue our federal government's assault on individual liberty. Murder is murder and we do not need thought police in Washington suppressing speech. I do not have to like what my neighbor is saying, but he has a Constitutional right to say it.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Obama's Communist Apologies and Obama Student Indoctrination Plan Scrapped

Van Jones, a communist advising the president on "green" jobs (which by the way will create about 1/2 a job for each job the Cap and Trade Bill kills), has apologized for calling Republicans assholes.

Separately the president's administration has admitted they helped the unconstitutional Department of Education write school plans instructing teachers on how to get students to "help the president" following his speech to students across the country this coming Tuesday.

School systems across the country have rightly been reacting to this indoctrination with scorn and are allowing parents to opt their kids out of seeing the propaganda, which now appears to be in the process of re-work. Some school districts such as Powhatan County, Virginia, are refusing to broadcast the message at all.

Libertarian Party blogs